Friday, August 28, 2009


>>Holy crap that's just an amazing picture. Period. Between the art and the fact it has my favorite pokemon all in one, it is just...FANTASTIC.

>>Dude, this is just amazing! And I figure that I should include that soon, I will have a video of pig dissection to share with con el mundo! Va a ser asombroso.

>>In conclusion, later.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thank the Peruvian

>>Secretary of Foreign Affairs, for the following video:

>>Brava! Brava! Don't you just love it? Hagoooo!!

Friday, August 21, 2009


>>Okay, so it's high time I bring back the old past time of bitching (and loving) pokedudes on here. (Oh everyone, wish Kyle a happy birthday.) Basically, this is my current team of dudes on yellow version, and keep in mind my highest is at level 33 so that should tell you I'm not very far in the game.

>>Now this little guy, who I nicknamed SHROOM, just got on today because I like to be training at least one nub at a time, plus for some reason I love bug pokémon, despite that they suck in battle. Honestly I haven't used him yet and he's at level 9, fresh from some cave. I think Mt. Moon?

>>It kills me that it has its final form at level 10 and its final attack and level 32. It really does. A psychic bug type could have made the bugs look a little bit better if only they had given this one a little more power. However, it was very useful to have this during the first gym battle with Brock, and speaking of which, compare the Brocks in Red and Yellow version. The TV show made him wear clothes! How politically correct. Also, its name is MONARCH based off the Monarch in the Venture Brothers and is at level 27.

>>This, by far, is probably my favorite in the party. I absolutely adore the Eevees in all their forms, and honestly I've always wanted to have my party of 6 be each of the Eeveelutions at some point. Like seriously, I shriek at their cuteness and pet the screen. Flareon is my background on my netbook right now. It doesn't have a nickname and it's at level 27.

>>Okay, I must admit, I'm just training him (NORBERT) up to be a Blastoise and then he's going right back into the computer later. It's not that I don't like the Squirtle family, it's just that I've used them so many times I'm just not interested in using him all the time anymore. I found that Charmander (who I named CHAA-AARRR!! after Pokemonsnap, for you 64 players who remember throwing apples) levels rather quickly. Really, I just wanted to fill my pokedex, plus I've got that rule about always training nubs. He's at level 27 too.

>>To be plain, Gyarados (or my GARY) is awesome. It's dragon, it's flying, it's got a lot of resistances I guess and it owns with its dragon moves because EVERYTHING is weak against dragons. Or at least it used to be. I don't know about all the newer generations. I don't think I've ever played a game where I didn't get that sad level 5 Magikarp as soon as I could lay my hands on it and raise it to be this. He's currently at level...well, I'm sure you can guess. xDD

>>And of course, I can't put the little one that follows me around in the PC. He's too cute! That reminds me, in the next games coming out, you can pick ANY pokedude to follow you around, just like Pikachu does in this game! I highly approve. He's level 33 and named SPARKY.

>>So that's my current party and my random comments about their types. I also love these: Ivysaur, Charmander, Charizard, Squirtle family, Butterfree, Raticate, Pika-family, Sandshrew, Vulpix, Golbat, Oddish family, Paras, Venonat, Diglett family, Persian, Psyduck family, Primeape, Growlithe family, Poliwag family, Abra, Bellsprout (if I own it) family, Tentacruel, Rapidash, Doduo, Seel family, Haunter, Onix, Drowzee, Hitmonlee, Lickitung, Tangela, Kangaskhan, Seaking, Starmie, Scyther, Jynx, Electabuzz (only in red version =[), Magmar, Lapras, Ditto, Kabutops, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, the legendary birds, Dratini family, Mew...I'll add ones from further generations when I'm more educated about them.