Thursday, March 11, 2010


>>I don't really know what to think right now.

>>My Sudowoodo's at level 43 and I keep fighting the Elite 4 on Silver Version. Obviously I'm failing because that's my highest level. Damn my skill at being able to get to that point in the game 15 levels too early.

>>I keep wondering whether my time is cluttered or free. It always seems like one or the other, never just one forever. I never have one feeling forever. Isn't that sad? There's no consistency in the world. Then again, that's how we grow and prosper: through many changes.

>>There's days like today where I feel like I should be doing something yet there's nothing to do or no motivation. For instance...I could be doing the past two days' worth of peer-facilitating journals. I could be reading "Master Harold and the boys..." and taking notes on it, as a part of a 50-page project. I could do that History of Spyware assignment that was given to us a week ago that I haven't started and most likely won't touch. Hell, I could be looking up words for my Spanish oral next week. I could clean the house, clean out the car I basically just scored due to my brother's ignorance. I could play with my little brother. I could fly to China and demand that woman give me my prom dress.

>>I could do all of these things, yet I have no motivation to do them. I don't know if it's senioritis (especially since I've already been accepted to a college), lack of sleep, lack of sunshine, or lack of whatever my other Ss are. Maybe it's a lack of energy because now when I have time to do things I just wish it were quiet. That's something that's been bothering me lately: this strange need for quiet. It's not like I have headaches all the time or anything like that. I just want something to be quiet and peaceful and tranquil and lovely and warm all at the same time.

>>"It's all of us, or none of me." -Max Goof on the Extremely Goofy Movie. Sounds like a Oedipal slip, does it not?

>>However it works, I might as well do something productive. Where did I put those journals?