Monday, September 12, 2011

Reality Feels So Physical

>> the sense that so many worlds just collided for me. I was reading On Being Certain by Robert A. Burton (M.D.) and I learned a new term for endorphins: opioid peptides. That's seratonin lock and key mechanisms triggering what we call the emotion happiness.

>>We tend to perceive thought as this anomoly (forgive my spelling) which just is. Or maybe that's just me. But the truth is that if you cut the epidermis, there is tissue underneath, organs too, and their teamwork makes your existance. The brain is really in your head and not heavy at all, yet it processes the world into something that makes some sort of sense so as an organism you can survive in it...and it all boils down to chemicals. Seratonin, endorphins, opioid peptides (peptide bonds keep protein structures together, or maybe it's nucleotides, either way) are all just simmering in that mass of organized cells right behind our eyes...our brain has pretend auditory and visual cognition, imagination, we call it thought...

>>Call me crazy, blind, blonde, what you will. I think it's amazing that we are at all.