Saturday, October 3, 2009


>>am I awake?

>>I woke up at 6:30 this morning without an alarm, but I was tired enough to make myself go back to sleep. Then around 7, I woke up again, and de nuevo went back to sleep. So then I wake up at like 8:30 and from there I try to go back to sleep, but instead I find myself power napping and day-dreaming. Topics of daydreams? Nunya damn business. But they were satisfactory until about 10, when I mentally woke up.

>>At that point I started to mess with my phone, and I've discovered that even less buttons are functioning now! Yippee! I guess that's what I get for texting in the shower again. At least the music button still works. It's my favorite.

>>In conclusion, don't look them in the eye.

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