Friday, February 12, 2010

So This Is The New Year...

>>and I don't feel any different...

>>That was my backyard today. I live in GEORGIA. Not the European country, but the STATE, in the South, where it's supposed to be warm. Gaea, Demeter, Hecate, whoever it may be, do you have the flu? Was Persephone stolen again to the depths of the Underworld, Hades's greed overbrimming? Hopefully not.

>>Okay, so there's all sorts of reasons why I haven't kept up with my blogging.

>>1. I'm lethargic.

>>2. Life hates me.

>>3. Time's not my friend.

>>4. Topics escape me.

>>5. Will has distracted me immensely. xD But that's a different topic. Stay tuned, fair nonreaders! Eventually there will be a Valentine's post, because for once I'll have one.

>>Blah blah blah, enough about bo's. Time for some of my geniune ranting blahing nonsense that really isn't any good but perhaps may be just snarky enough to cause a snicker or a smile here or there.

>>Playing silver version. That's right, I graduated to second generation Pokémon! Speaking of which, I have a story to tell. A'ight. I've got my first play-through going, and I'm to the fourth or fifth or sixth city, I don't know, I'm at the point where I'm about to beat the Johto region you start at and then you can go to the other region. Then, out of nowhere, my game disappears. (John Keats's comment? "ah, woe betide!") I couldn't tell my older brother because it was his game and he'd be mad if I lost it, and I couldn't tell my younger brother (the one that's not an infant) that I lost it, because that meant admitting I lost his prized Lime Green Gameboy Color.

>>Cruel world! So I look on my own for a few weeks, to no avail. Now let's switch up the scene to inside my brother's car, it's packed with idgits dancing madly to a popular rap song, you've probably heard it on the radio: Replay by IYAZ. (Shorty's like a melody in my head that I can't keep out got me singin' like na-na-na-naa everyday it's like my ipod's stuck on replay...etc.) So these teenage/youthful adults, they're dancing so much in the car that the vehicles practically hopping up and down, it could have been dancing on its own. Perhaps the song is just that rad.

>>My brother, who was driving at the time, doubted that possibility. He was trying to find anything at all which could possibly distract them for even a moment so the car would cease shaking so much. (Shorty got me singin'; shorty got me singin') What's his solution? MY GAMEBOY!

>>He hits the breaks, or at least that's how I like to imagine it, and my Gameboy flies from underneath the back window and hits Evan in the back of the head, and he asks Steven (my brother) who owns it. Steven eagerly tells him, seeing that the car's stopped moving so much. And what's Evan's bright idea? He erases my game, starts a new game, and renames me "LAWL".

>>What. A douche.

>>I just got back to that point in the game, so it's okay.

>>Another funnyish story? Well, I'm a kind person [Skeptics and True Believers/The Academy Is...] and I like to get people things from time to time, when I feel the jiving impulse of kindness. I felt it the other day. So I made peanut butter fudge for my two best friends and beau. Well, I end up having some left over from what I gave them, and I carry the (cut-up) leftovers in a ziplock bag with me throughout the day to give pieces to others that I think deserve it.

>>So the end of the day comes and I've given out as much fudge as I can manage, and I'm sitting on the bus as we're headed home from the too-long school day. Those silly kids---they always make me lawl. They started a paper ball fight, the things were flying everywhere, and it was certainly a joy to watch. After it's over, I think, "hey, they're calm now, maybe one of them will listen if I offer fudge." So I ask a few and this one kid, Matt, he's a [Lost Heaven/one of many FMA themes] hoot. One of the ones that's always energetic, always honest, always in the mood for some fun, a very lively personality. Anyhow, I offer him the fudge, and he takes the whole bag. "Ah man!" he exclaims. "If only I knew about this before! I coulda thrown this during the fight!"

>>I pled, "No! No! Please eat it. It'd be wasteful to throw it at someone." (Really I just don't want to be the reason someone because someone gets creamed in the back of the head with melting fudge.)

>>But what comes up ahead? A turn in the road, and in this turn a stop sign, so Matt says, "AAAAAAAAAAwwwwwwwwwwww sheeeeee-it, looky here," and gets a glob of the fudge on his hand. We're all confused as we watch him stick his arm out the window, we see him slap the fudge onto the stop sign, and it stuck! It actually stuck!

>>Then he actually tried it and gave compliments, not really toward me but just exclaiming the delight acquired from taking a bite. [She's Got The Rhythm/The Summer Set] I've still been wanting to drive by that stop sign and see if the fudge is still clinging.

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