Thursday, August 26, 2010


>>Do you see the woman in the center, reaching upward? She's a very famous mother, yet, so few of us know of her. Her Greek name is Alkmênê, and guess what? SHE'S A HUMAN. So screw you, Disney, for hiding Zeus's scandalous/promiscuous nature. You see, in the movie Hercules, they have Herc lose his immortality temporarily because he drank a potion that took his powers. In actuality, rather, in the myths, Heraklês is a demigod because he is only half-god, half-human. There are no brotherly brawls for power over Olympus, instead, Zeus was just his typical self and had an affair with precious Alkmênê presented above. Again, Hera was cheated on. I have yet to find out if Hera took any sort of revenge on Alkmênê, but it's likely. Hera's been known to smite or torture Zeus's affairs.

>>So I'm mad at Disney because they degraded the Greek culture by lying about the very nature of the myths and twisting around the facts. Granted, their mythological facts, but however it works they really should have done more research and made a story that fit with what's already well-known.

>>Another thing I'm angry about. Because of that movie, everyone calls him Hercules. ROMANS WERE THIEVES! Why flaunt the Roman name when all they could come up with was "We worship the farmland. Oh farmlandgodman, grant us happy soil that will grow seeds. Oh farmtoolgodman, please keep our tools strong and functioning. Here's some cow fat." REALITY CHECK: Hercules, from the movie, was not a jolly single man that flirted with the damaged Meg that saved the day from Hades taking over Olympus. No, Heraklês was a very depressed man who in a drunken rage accidentally killed his wife (Megana, at least they got that right) and children. Hence the constant depression that Disney pathetically mimicked.

>>Speaking of common misconceptions, I hate it when people refer to Eros as "Cupid", the Roman name. It really grinds my gears.

>>So there you have it. That's what makes me angry today.

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