Tuesday, June 16, 2009

That's A Relief

>>Time for the Christmas spirit! Not because it's Christmas, but because my little brother just plugged up the Christmas lights I leave hanging in my room all year. They shine in red, blue, yellow, and green---however, the blue doesn't work. It's really a shame.

>>I suppose the real celebration and thanks goes forth to Jesus/God, since they invented the heavenly thing called SUMMER. It's very relaxing, or as I learned from Mrs. Brown, "assuaging". All this free time leaves me to do liberal and required activities, such as doing laundry, cleaning my room, steadily working on my summer work (which I know most of my fellow IB students won't work on until a week or two before school starts back), rearranging my room +++, reading, thinking on future style choices (whether or not I could pull something off), swimming, chowing, chilling with rubber bands amongst my teeth...

>>Yes, summer's assuaging. I'm even not as annoyed with my family members. It's so good a feeling, yet I know that this is my last summer away from school.

>>I'm a senior. A senior. That means I'll be able to eat in the Senior Courtyard, to get out of the last class of the day on Fridays, to be able to say I have 180 days left of school ever. Ever. That's terrifying! I mean, I know I have college and all that in the future, but that's an even more horrifying thing to imagine. I want to go to SCAD, Savannah College of Art and Design. I love the city and I'd be able to work on my arts in a place that inspires me. The thing is, will I be able to stay so far away from my loved ones? Would I be responsible enough? Will I even be driving yet?
>>However it works, it will. In conclusion, I know I shouldn't be afraid of the inevitable. I just need to focus on the tests ahead of me, one at a time, take my SAT and hopefully ACT as well, and then apply. All will end well.

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