Monday, August 22, 2011


>>So I recently discovered that I was wrong about some geeky information. It had to do with whether or not hope was left in Pandora's box or if it was the one good thing that escaped (if hope can be called positive). It turns out that it actually does stay in the box and horrible things such as death, disease, and well evil in general are unleashed from the box.

>>What doesn't make sense to me is why anyone other than Pandora herself could have hope if she didn't unleash it and thus did not share it.

>>But is hope a good thing to have? Yes people hope with all their might that some event or circumstance may happen, but it could also be a mask for procrastination and laziness. "I hope I'll make it to grad school." Don't hope. Make a 4.0, be interactive, find an internship, study abroad, be impressive, and go apply. "I hope I'll find someone who loves me for me." Make yourself worth loving by first loving yourself and being someone people are naturally drawn to. Have nothing to hide.

>>The point is you decide your destiny. It's called "free choice" or "will" for a reason.

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