Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kingdom Hearts

>>Look how beautiful, folks. This is the beautiful concoction of Final Fantasy and Disney, despite that this picture only shows mainly the Disney aspect. Sora, Roxas, Kairi, and Naminé are all both ways, though, themselves being the true mix of FF and Disney. The second game, which is what this picture is based off of, was so much better than the original. Yet, these games were literally why I bought or asked for or whatever for a PS2. The only person I wish was in this photo that isn't is Riku, who was always the coolest dude:

>>MMM. Look at that. Makes you wish boys had blue hair in real life, not just the big feet. (Well...the big feet thing went away some in the 2nd game, but everyone still had REALLY big feet. I think they were just trying to make it where Mickey, Goofy, and Donald didn't all look totally stupid/off for having such ginormous feet. But they're Disney characters. Who cares??) I hated when they changed Riku's looks into Ansem. That was disgusting. I'm just glad they had Kairi see through it and they got him back the way he's supposed to be: slammin'.

>>Other than the fantastic visuals, the games (particularly the 2nd one) felt like movies. It was almost like you got to be sucked into your very own Disney movie, especially when you're running around like a little Kovu- or Halloween Town-wannabe. I was THRILLED that Christmasland was included in Halloween Town in the 2nd game, but I hated the boss battles there. They were a pain.

>>All in all, I don't really know where I'm going with this, so I'd like to conclude that the Kingdom Hearts games are AMAZING and that I can only hope that the 3rd will be too. It's a shame I never got to play Chain of Memories, but I did read the "graphic novels". Very epic. Oh, and Sora and Kairi better kiss or something because I'm sick of seeing them just HUG. They're hunting for each other endlessly! Bring some PASSION, like this type, but in the game and not fan-art:

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