Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So, if I were Snow White

>>I'd be that chick in the yellow. My hair would be effortless, and my dress simple and comfortable, despite the fact that I'm a princess, so I flee in my sundress the peasants aren't supposed to see. Probably because my stepmother would absolutely hate me, enough to wish me dead. And hey! I even get to wear a ribbon; she's got one in her hair. I think one of the best kickers to being this princess would be her ability to run in heels through a forest. (I can barely walk in heels at prom!) Another cool thing would be to have a natural ability to not feel awkward around strangers and even dance with them in an appropriate fashion. Oh, not to mention my ability to make animals clean for me by the sound of my melodic voice. Of course, that's probably her most trademark ability, so I think that I'd prefer the effortless hair. It's a personal, easy comfort. Look how bouncy!

>>Yet, even if I was Snow White, this is how my mother would envision me:

>>Notice a difference? I do. Like, this is how the REAL Snow White looked, because she'd have to go crazy being adopted by 7 little miners that were obsessed with her cooking (which makes no sense because a princess is pampered so much that she shouldn't know how to cook). The little guys' teeth are more accurate, last time I checked there's a shortage of mouth-cleansing materials in the forest, even if it is enchanted. Oh, and the glowy eyes? Disregard, y'all, we'ze be in the enchanted forest.

>>In conclusion, if I were Snow White, I would want a curse put on me so I can look like the top picture at night and the bottom during the day. My little dwarves can change with me.

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