Friday, April 3, 2009



    [shrimp]  Show IPA noun, plural shrimps,(especially collectivelyshrimp for 1, verb, adjective
1.any of several small, long-tailed, chiefly marine crustaceans of the decapod suborder Natania, certain species of which are used as food.
2.Informala diminutive or insignificant person.
–verb (used without object) catch or try to catch shrimps.
4.(of food) made with or containing shrimp: shrimp salad.
5.of or pertaining to shrimp or their catching, processing, and marketing: a shrimp boat.
1300–50; ME shrimpe crustacean, puny person; akin to MHGschrimpfen to contract, OE scrimman to shrink

shrimplike, adjective

>>This is the beauty that is SHRIMP (definition included for the artarded). Shrimp affects my life in different ways. It's the weird flavor of ramon that I recommended to my mother when I didn't know how to mix the seasonings in quite yet. It's my favorite meat from foreign places (Japanese, Chinese, somewhere else but I forgot). It's the topic of the day that my pallie Kara asked me to include in my blog (she specifically said popcorn shrimp, but we'll get to that). It's my pets, and my inside jokes with friends.

>>So, let's take a second to think about these shrimps. They're collected by the buttloads straight from their home, and their one vacation in life is a trip to death. Like, what's their mind set? Ladidadidaaa, I'm a shrimp doin' my shrimpy thing, ladida, ladidatdida, eat  some dead fish lyin' on the seafloor, munchy munch munch...what's that? A rather large net? I see my kind inside, there must be some massive somethin' to munch on thurr! *Wee shrimp trots over* Why, there's nothing here at all! Just a bunch of shrimpys like me! OH NO! WHAT'S HAPPENING?! THE NET'S CLOSING, THE WATER'S FEELING HARD ON MY BACK AS WE SWOOSH I GUESS UPWARD, OH GOD, THERE'S NO WATER ON THE SURFACE! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

>>The rest is too graphic for our shrimp witness to continue to describe. But after they're taken on the ship, these shrimpies die at some point between there and the restaurants and corporate buyers, I suppose. Then we serve 'em up NICE! Ever seen Forest Gump? His best bud in the army knew what was up:

>>And just in case that little jingle didn't include it, here's what everyone's been waiting for:

>>Shout out to you, ♥KayRay♥.

>>So, other than the delectable purposes of shrimp, they can also be pets! Visualize my previous ones:

>>These guys are more for looks than they are for eats. They're too small, anyway, and not nearly plump enough. The first is a Fire Shrimp. He's eating a Damsel. Most times I don't allow that, but the disrespectful action of letting my Fire Shrimp eat the Damsel was a vindictive action: the damned thing had killed not one, but TWO of my baby clownfish. The next is a Bandit Shrimp. In the ocean, he's one of those guys that eats the parasites off of a fish. Coolio, huh? Oh, and the last ones are Peppermint Shrimp. They breed like crazy, and they're clear, so you can see the eggs before they're laid!

>>My last influence of shrimp comes from a friend of mine. Once I sat on her lap, the whole Santa deal, you know how they say "I wan' a POOOOOOONY, and a...". Well, my version's dif with her. I say, "I wan' a SHRIIIIIMP, ..."

>>In conclusion, shrimp are awesome. Period. Oh, and diverse in their uses: edible, keepable, and decomposers.

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