Monday, May 25, 2009


>>Okay, so this is the Legend which Krystal and I attended last year for a week, so since I'm in the boaty mood, I've decided to write a blog on my love of cruises and whatnot. Maybe even mention the loverly Elevator Crew. Truthfully, this will be poorly organized and I really don't know what I'm going to talk about.

>>Okay, so I mentioned the Elevator Crew. Krystal and I literally ran into 9 kids sitting in the glass elevator in the lobby. What was our natural reaction? Sit with them, of course:

>>Those dearies are so kind. I barely ever talk to any of them anymore. Yes, that's a glass elevator. Once, one of the Cruise Coordinators actually used our elevator and said that we shouldn't congregate in elevators since there are several places of which we could spend our time rather in.

>>Yes I know that last sentence made no sense at all, but I'm sleepy. Sheesh you meanies for being so judgemental of the sleepies peoples.

>>Yes, sleepies peoples. It's a new vocab word, bitch. Tell it to your English teacher. They'll shit their pants at your wide terminology fantasmolastic usage.

>>Orange. Zebra. 12.

>>Potatoe (for Matthew.)

>>Mandarin oranges really are yummy. Also, here's the Firebird Lounge + too many kiddos:

>>Okay nevermind I couldn't find that picture, here's another we took with the asian woman that's always at the bar:

>>YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, I'm probably doing too many group picture shots of people you peeps don't know. So I'll share my fave stories about accents. Well, in particular, Andrew's (but we always called him Werdna in that week. He had his name tattooed in Old English calligraphy down his arm. It was beautifully done.)

>>Anyways, my first story is about us all playing tag and saying who's "it". I suck at life therefore I run slowly, plus I haff NO stamina. So Werdna tags me and says, "You're it." But with his thick Scottish accent, "it" sounds like "at". So of course, me stupid American Southern Girlie, I say, "I'm what?"
"You're at!"
"You mean I'm it."
"That's what I said. At."
"That's what I said! At!"

>>We continued to argue as such, but in a playful funny way, and we never came to a conclusion on the true pronunciation. My other story also contains a stupid American Southern Girlie, but it's not me this time! It's also a convo a cerca de accents.

>>So Taylor, the American Southern Girlie, goes up to Werdna and asks him, "You're Scottish, right?"
"Well, speak it."
"Speak what?"
"Speak it Scottish."
"I am talking Scottish."
"No! The other language!"
"I am speaking's not a language. Are you mistaking it for Gaelic?"

>> x]]]]]]]. People are stupid. I love it though.

>>In conclusion, I hate ostriches.

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