Friday, May 15, 2009

No Odles

>>MMM, mmm, good.

>>Been on a mission to kill flies today. (Okay, that's a lie.) I killed a fly today. Really, it was two, one on top of the other. I didn't want them having children so I eliminated them in the process of reproduction. Isn't that just dandy?

>>Have you ever noticed that a fly is so light, that half the time you don't realize it's landed on you unless its swift flight catches your eye? It has practically no weight, and the only time you feel it is if they have a rough landing. 

>>However it works, flies themselves are okay in a large room and there's One little fly is fine. But once they reproduce and there's more buzzing all around and bzz bzz bzz bzz it's driving you crazy, and they're landing on you and your food and implanting eggs everywhere and it's just grody.

>>Not to mention, their babies that actually DO live and don't get eaten via whatever food the eggbabies were laid on, they're just fucking grody. I mean come ON. A bunch of little wormy-wannabes that are white except for that piss yellow tint they have to them, reek, slimy, and come in patches. It's just nasty.

>>Honestly? Really God? You have such a sick imagination. Eh, it's a good thing that you had a good imagination. After all, they're probably scavengers/decomposers for the ecosystems.

>>In conclusion, metamorphasis is a good thing.

1 comment:

  1. EWWWW
    this is like a thousand ripped fingernails to me
