Monday, May 11, 2009

Whilst I Sip At My Diet Cherry Coke

>>which is actually quite good despite that it's diet, and I'm glad we had a few left.

>>I suppose that since I have no topic I'll just ask Krystal.

>>She said to do a blog on "the joy of slumbering with someone". Throughout my life, I've had some interesting sleeping situations. Although I usually slept alone, my older brother and I went through a phase where when we spent the night at G-ma's that we'd both sleep together. He usually got annoyed because I talked too much and wanted to have fun when all he wanted was sleep. Makes sense.

>>At my father's house, we had a bunk bed which on the bottom was "large" enough to have 2 people sleep in. I slept at the top while my brother from before and my stepbrother slept underneath.

>>Concerning sleeping with people that aren't my family, that's a little different. Considering I still live at home, I don't get the chance often. Now, since I got a new bed which I believe is sized Full (but fuck if I know), I''s nice and comfy and all but it's more than I need. There's just a blank there beside me and in the dark it makes you feel lonely.

>>There was only once that I remember where I slept with a guy that I wasn't related to. Actually, I was between two of them. My mom actually hadn't planned on us spending the night, it just wasn't safe to drive either. Well anyways, I thought it was funny that everything that we did that the two were trying to make sure they were with me. One because he liked me and the other because he wanted away from the first guy. The latter was the one who I ended up being all cuddly with. He was the one who I didn't mind knowing he had my number. Sleeping with a guy was actually more comfortable than I would have thought, and I guess that was my first real insight to how the human body's built to be the puzzle piece to another.

>>I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. Maybe that the sexes were meant, built to hold each other. Maybe that it really does feel nice to have such a contact, because it's an absolute comfort that one can share with another what horrors they look like in the morning, or that one can feel at ease and not alone when they sleep with another. Protection.

>>In conclusion, having someone to sleep with in a non-sexual way is just as comforting as having a mate.

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