Sunday, October 4, 2009

Varlet's to be advised...

LEONATO: I pray thee, cease thy counsel,
Which falls into mine ears as profitless
As water in a sieve. Give not me counsel,
Nor let no comforter delight mine ear
But such a one whose wrongs do suit mine.
Bring me a father that so loved his child,
Whose joy of her is overwhelmed like mine,
And bid him speak of patience.
Measure his woe the length and breadth of mine,
And let it answer every strain for strain,
As thus for thus, and such a grief for such,
In every lineament, branch, shape, and form.
If such a one will smile and stroke his beard,
[Bid] sorrow wag, cry "hem" when he should groan,
Patch grief with proverbs, make misfortune drunk
With candle-wasters, bring him yet to me,
And I of him will gather patience.
But there is no such man. For, brother, men
Can counsel and speak comfort to that grief
Which they themselves not feel, but tasting it,
Their counsel turns to passion, which before
Would give preceptial med'cine to rage,
Fetter strong madness in a silken thread,
Charm ache with air and agony with words.
No, no, 'tis all men's office to speak patience
To those that wring under the load of sorrow,
But no man's virtue nor sufficiency
To be so moral when he shall endure
The like himself. Therefore give me no counsel.
My griefs cry louder than advertisement.

---Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

Makes me feel a little bit better inside.
Every time I read it, I find a little something more.
I believe in the sun.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


>>am I awake?

>>I woke up at 6:30 this morning without an alarm, but I was tired enough to make myself go back to sleep. Then around 7, I woke up again, and de nuevo went back to sleep. So then I wake up at like 8:30 and from there I try to go back to sleep, but instead I find myself power napping and day-dreaming. Topics of daydreams? Nunya damn business. But they were satisfactory until about 10, when I mentally woke up.

>>At that point I started to mess with my phone, and I've discovered that even less buttons are functioning now! Yippee! I guess that's what I get for texting in the shower again. At least the music button still works. It's my favorite.

>>In conclusion, don't look them in the eye.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


>>Here's something great Leslie showed me last night:

>>Isn't it cuuuuuuuute??

>>In conclusion, I'm ending this here because I need to go do normal, responsible things. Like homework and picking up Aidan.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


>>Random title, yes, but just what I felt like putting up there.

>>Also, I've seriously put off these pig videos, so that needs to be done this weekend. Either that or I need to busy my brother with it.

>>Listening to Coheed and Cambria. You're not? Gasp! Go do it.

>>About to work on a work I haven't worked in awhile: Suits. However, it's a bit like Alice in Wonderland and Through The Looking Glass, I feel like a complete copycat having both the cards and chess pieces in one world. At least they're different things, in mine it's just the way of that world, and in those books it's supposed to be used for big logic problems. Nevertheless, I would feel bad if I ever published my story. I'm a big plagierist no-no freak. Comes from hating liars.

>>Rereading King's MISERY, and it's a great read. I haven't read it in years, and even though I know what's coming, it's thrilling all the same. I suppose I just love the exposition of characters, and King does a fabulous job characterizing Annie and Paul Sheldon. (Also, that's the name of my principle at Mulberry. It's sheer coincidence in that world, but I've been meaning to add in a few lines that my principle has the same name as the bestseller author of the Misery novels. Just haven't decided which work to put it into. It's to show that King is one of my influences, I'd like to always write something that you want to keep turning the page to learn more.)

Friday, August 28, 2009


>>Holy crap that's just an amazing picture. Period. Between the art and the fact it has my favorite pokemon all in one, it is just...FANTASTIC.

>>Dude, this is just amazing! And I figure that I should include that soon, I will have a video of pig dissection to share with con el mundo! Va a ser asombroso.

>>In conclusion, later.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Thank the Peruvian

>>Secretary of Foreign Affairs, for the following video:

>>Brava! Brava! Don't you just love it? Hagoooo!!

Friday, August 21, 2009


>>Okay, so it's high time I bring back the old past time of bitching (and loving) pokedudes on here. (Oh everyone, wish Kyle a happy birthday.) Basically, this is my current team of dudes on yellow version, and keep in mind my highest is at level 33 so that should tell you I'm not very far in the game.

>>Now this little guy, who I nicknamed SHROOM, just got on today because I like to be training at least one nub at a time, plus for some reason I love bug pokémon, despite that they suck in battle. Honestly I haven't used him yet and he's at level 9, fresh from some cave. I think Mt. Moon?

>>It kills me that it has its final form at level 10 and its final attack and level 32. It really does. A psychic bug type could have made the bugs look a little bit better if only they had given this one a little more power. However, it was very useful to have this during the first gym battle with Brock, and speaking of which, compare the Brocks in Red and Yellow version. The TV show made him wear clothes! How politically correct. Also, its name is MONARCH based off the Monarch in the Venture Brothers and is at level 27.

>>This, by far, is probably my favorite in the party. I absolutely adore the Eevees in all their forms, and honestly I've always wanted to have my party of 6 be each of the Eeveelutions at some point. Like seriously, I shriek at their cuteness and pet the screen. Flareon is my background on my netbook right now. It doesn't have a nickname and it's at level 27.

>>Okay, I must admit, I'm just training him (NORBERT) up to be a Blastoise and then he's going right back into the computer later. It's not that I don't like the Squirtle family, it's just that I've used them so many times I'm just not interested in using him all the time anymore. I found that Charmander (who I named CHAA-AARRR!! after Pokemonsnap, for you 64 players who remember throwing apples) levels rather quickly. Really, I just wanted to fill my pokedex, plus I've got that rule about always training nubs. He's at level 27 too.

>>To be plain, Gyarados (or my GARY) is awesome. It's dragon, it's flying, it's got a lot of resistances I guess and it owns with its dragon moves because EVERYTHING is weak against dragons. Or at least it used to be. I don't know about all the newer generations. I don't think I've ever played a game where I didn't get that sad level 5 Magikarp as soon as I could lay my hands on it and raise it to be this. He's currently at level...well, I'm sure you can guess. xDD

>>And of course, I can't put the little one that follows me around in the PC. He's too cute! That reminds me, in the next games coming out, you can pick ANY pokedude to follow you around, just like Pikachu does in this game! I highly approve. He's level 33 and named SPARKY.

>>So that's my current party and my random comments about their types. I also love these: Ivysaur, Charmander, Charizard, Squirtle family, Butterfree, Raticate, Pika-family, Sandshrew, Vulpix, Golbat, Oddish family, Paras, Venonat, Diglett family, Persian, Psyduck family, Primeape, Growlithe family, Poliwag family, Abra, Bellsprout (if I own it) family, Tentacruel, Rapidash, Doduo, Seel family, Haunter, Onix, Drowzee, Hitmonlee, Lickitung, Tangela, Kangaskhan, Seaking, Starmie, Scyther, Jynx, Electabuzz (only in red version =[), Magmar, Lapras, Ditto, Kabutops, Aerodactyl, Snorlax, the legendary birds, Dratini family, Mew...I'll add ones from further generations when I'm more educated about them.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


>>There's so many things trabajar en! (That means to work on, ye nonspaniard nonreaders.) I've got the summer work, which I can't make myself work on. I've got my stories, which I finally feel the vibe to work on---but my mom hasn't gotten me microsoft word yet for my computers! And lastly, I could work on my room, keeping it clean, or clean the house. But who the hell cleans on their vacation?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

That's A Relief

>>Time for the Christmas spirit! Not because it's Christmas, but because my little brother just plugged up the Christmas lights I leave hanging in my room all year. They shine in red, blue, yellow, and green---however, the blue doesn't work. It's really a shame.

>>I suppose the real celebration and thanks goes forth to Jesus/God, since they invented the heavenly thing called SUMMER. It's very relaxing, or as I learned from Mrs. Brown, "assuaging". All this free time leaves me to do liberal and required activities, such as doing laundry, cleaning my room, steadily working on my summer work (which I know most of my fellow IB students won't work on until a week or two before school starts back), rearranging my room +++, reading, thinking on future style choices (whether or not I could pull something off), swimming, chowing, chilling with rubber bands amongst my teeth...

>>Yes, summer's assuaging. I'm even not as annoyed with my family members. It's so good a feeling, yet I know that this is my last summer away from school.

>>I'm a senior. A senior. That means I'll be able to eat in the Senior Courtyard, to get out of the last class of the day on Fridays, to be able to say I have 180 days left of school ever. Ever. That's terrifying! I mean, I know I have college and all that in the future, but that's an even more horrifying thing to imagine. I want to go to SCAD, Savannah College of Art and Design. I love the city and I'd be able to work on my arts in a place that inspires me. The thing is, will I be able to stay so far away from my loved ones? Would I be responsible enough? Will I even be driving yet?
>>However it works, it will. In conclusion, I know I shouldn't be afraid of the inevitable. I just need to focus on the tests ahead of me, one at a time, take my SAT and hopefully ACT as well, and then apply. All will end well.

Monday, June 15, 2009


>>Play "Tribute" from RageCage and Jables if you're ables. I just found something in my email that I had sent to myself, and I was curious as to what I wanted to save. I had had it in my inbox so long that I forgot. Once I opened it, I realized at once what it was. It was Krystal's explanation for why I am like I am. Here it goes:

>>My best best buddy said this to me: "You have a wall up and you've built it very high because of all the things that've hurt you. And everytime you get more hurt, it gets higher. You're strong and you're smart and you're reserved and you're DIFFERENT. People are afraid of that, because no matter how much they try, they don't know how to handle you. And you don't make it any easier. You have a clear mind that won't let you do stupid things, because you knwo you're better than those actions. People get angry, because that's the only way they get attention. And you won't do it. It makes them feel like you don't want friends, because you're not going to make yourself into a baboon for them. , that is NOT a bad thing."

>>Truthfully, for awhile, I was convinced it was a bad thing. But now I don't really care. I've learned to accept that I'm an outcast in so many aspects. Definitely when it comes to school---out of IB, which is the weird smart kids of the school along with AP, my friends and I are the weirdos amongst the IB weirdos. It's almost exclusive, how tight the cliques are in IB. You really have to watch your back and your mouth. It's maddening. But it's always been like that for me, even before IB. At Swayze's, the people I was expected to mingle with there were all Krystal's friends that were more interested in her and in each other than they were in trying to deal with my presence. In my older, more faithful ... can I even call them friends? I don't talk to them. No, they're Ferret's friends. They're my long-time acquaintances that I've known by name for years, but have no real connection to. Whatever they are, we ignore each other 99.98% of the time. Mostly my fault, though, I must admit.

>>In conclusion...I'm very thankful for the few people that I can be 100% myself around without an ounce of worry: Krystal, Ashley, and more recently, Cody. Thanks guys. You really mean a lot to me. Love.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


>>How silly of me! I left out the video where I taught the world how to shuffle. It's not that long, not that hard or showing of my (non)genius, but it is what it is.

>>In conclusion, I'm confused.

Monday, May 25, 2009


>>Okay, so this is the Legend which Krystal and I attended last year for a week, so since I'm in the boaty mood, I've decided to write a blog on my love of cruises and whatnot. Maybe even mention the loverly Elevator Crew. Truthfully, this will be poorly organized and I really don't know what I'm going to talk about.

>>Okay, so I mentioned the Elevator Crew. Krystal and I literally ran into 9 kids sitting in the glass elevator in the lobby. What was our natural reaction? Sit with them, of course:

>>Those dearies are so kind. I barely ever talk to any of them anymore. Yes, that's a glass elevator. Once, one of the Cruise Coordinators actually used our elevator and said that we shouldn't congregate in elevators since there are several places of which we could spend our time rather in.

>>Yes I know that last sentence made no sense at all, but I'm sleepy. Sheesh you meanies for being so judgemental of the sleepies peoples.

>>Yes, sleepies peoples. It's a new vocab word, bitch. Tell it to your English teacher. They'll shit their pants at your wide terminology fantasmolastic usage.

>>Orange. Zebra. 12.

>>Potatoe (for Matthew.)

>>Mandarin oranges really are yummy. Also, here's the Firebird Lounge + too many kiddos:

>>Okay nevermind I couldn't find that picture, here's another we took with the asian woman that's always at the bar:

>>YEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH, I'm probably doing too many group picture shots of people you peeps don't know. So I'll share my fave stories about accents. Well, in particular, Andrew's (but we always called him Werdna in that week. He had his name tattooed in Old English calligraphy down his arm. It was beautifully done.)

>>Anyways, my first story is about us all playing tag and saying who's "it". I suck at life therefore I run slowly, plus I haff NO stamina. So Werdna tags me and says, "You're it." But with his thick Scottish accent, "it" sounds like "at". So of course, me stupid American Southern Girlie, I say, "I'm what?"
"You're at!"
"You mean I'm it."
"That's what I said. At."
"That's what I said! At!"

>>We continued to argue as such, but in a playful funny way, and we never came to a conclusion on the true pronunciation. My other story also contains a stupid American Southern Girlie, but it's not me this time! It's also a convo a cerca de accents.

>>So Taylor, the American Southern Girlie, goes up to Werdna and asks him, "You're Scottish, right?"
"Well, speak it."
"Speak what?"
"Speak it Scottish."
"I am talking Scottish."
"No! The other language!"
"I am speaking's not a language. Are you mistaking it for Gaelic?"

>> x]]]]]]]. People are stupid. I love it though.

>>In conclusion, I hate ostriches.

Friday, May 15, 2009

No Odles

>>MMM, mmm, good.

>>Been on a mission to kill flies today. (Okay, that's a lie.) I killed a fly today. Really, it was two, one on top of the other. I didn't want them having children so I eliminated them in the process of reproduction. Isn't that just dandy?

>>Have you ever noticed that a fly is so light, that half the time you don't realize it's landed on you unless its swift flight catches your eye? It has practically no weight, and the only time you feel it is if they have a rough landing. 

>>However it works, flies themselves are okay in a large room and there's One little fly is fine. But once they reproduce and there's more buzzing all around and bzz bzz bzz bzz it's driving you crazy, and they're landing on you and your food and implanting eggs everywhere and it's just grody.

>>Not to mention, their babies that actually DO live and don't get eaten via whatever food the eggbabies were laid on, they're just fucking grody. I mean come ON. A bunch of little wormy-wannabes that are white except for that piss yellow tint they have to them, reek, slimy, and come in patches. It's just nasty.

>>Honestly? Really God? You have such a sick imagination. Eh, it's a good thing that you had a good imagination. After all, they're probably scavengers/decomposers for the ecosystems.

>>In conclusion, metamorphasis is a good thing.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Whilst I Sip At My Diet Cherry Coke

>>which is actually quite good despite that it's diet, and I'm glad we had a few left.

>>I suppose that since I have no topic I'll just ask Krystal.

>>She said to do a blog on "the joy of slumbering with someone". Throughout my life, I've had some interesting sleeping situations. Although I usually slept alone, my older brother and I went through a phase where when we spent the night at G-ma's that we'd both sleep together. He usually got annoyed because I talked too much and wanted to have fun when all he wanted was sleep. Makes sense.

>>At my father's house, we had a bunk bed which on the bottom was "large" enough to have 2 people sleep in. I slept at the top while my brother from before and my stepbrother slept underneath.

>>Concerning sleeping with people that aren't my family, that's a little different. Considering I still live at home, I don't get the chance often. Now, since I got a new bed which I believe is sized Full (but fuck if I know), I''s nice and comfy and all but it's more than I need. There's just a blank there beside me and in the dark it makes you feel lonely.

>>There was only once that I remember where I slept with a guy that I wasn't related to. Actually, I was between two of them. My mom actually hadn't planned on us spending the night, it just wasn't safe to drive either. Well anyways, I thought it was funny that everything that we did that the two were trying to make sure they were with me. One because he liked me and the other because he wanted away from the first guy. The latter was the one who I ended up being all cuddly with. He was the one who I didn't mind knowing he had my number. Sleeping with a guy was actually more comfortable than I would have thought, and I guess that was my first real insight to how the human body's built to be the puzzle piece to another.

>>I'm not really sure where I'm going with this. Maybe that the sexes were meant, built to hold each other. Maybe that it really does feel nice to have such a contact, because it's an absolute comfort that one can share with another what horrors they look like in the morning, or that one can feel at ease and not alone when they sleep with another. Protection.

>>In conclusion, having someone to sleep with in a non-sexual way is just as comforting as having a mate.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

No recuerdo el nombre, pero

I believe in the sun
even when it is not shining
and I believe in love
even when there's no one there

And I believe in God
even when he is silent!
I believe through any trial,
there is always a way.

But sometimes,
in this suffering,
and hopeless despair...
my heart cries for shelter
to know someone's there
and a voice rises within me
saying, "Hold on, my child.
I'll give you strength; I'll give you hope,
just stay a little while."

That was written on the walls of a concentration camp which held Jews during the second world war.
It was the words of a man trying to find hope in the worst of scenarios.
In the middle of the worst Holocaust in history, this man was still able to keep his faith in a higher power.
Isn't it admirable?

Sunday, May 3, 2009


>>Usually I don't do 2 posts in one day, but since I've had two apologetic blogs about failing my norm one a day, I figured I'd try to up my average. Plus I just couldn't wait until tomorrow to share my love for ocarinas, and to display such wonderful talent from these two wonderful women! I envy their abilities, especially since my ocarina's a pansy compared to theirs. Here's mine:

>>Isn't it tiny? Lol, well it fits in my hand and I can wrap my fingers around it mostly. That gives you a size idea, this picture's more for looking at the cutesy details on there. I got it from the Shalimar Family ocarine stand at this year's Renaissance Festival (which I believe I mentioned near the end of that post).

>>It's difficult for me to master these type of things that don't have a defined method of usage, so I guess it was a good idea for me to get the easiest type ever made. xD. Here's the video of the two talented women I'm jealous of (notice their ocarinas have I believe 11 or 12 holes).

>>Listen to that heavenly tune. Don't complain about it being 5:14 minutes long; it really is worth it. Do other things while you listen, you don't have to watch them, although it is cool to watch their fingers. Johann Pachelbel would be so proud.

>>In conclusion, the 300,000-year-old art form which has no home, just like the Jews don't really have a homeland (or at least didn't used to, Idk), still thrives today and I hope will only become more popular. Ocarinas playing together is so beautiful!

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Renaissance Festival!

>>The Renaissance Festival is one of my favorite events in the year. Between the Crow's Nest, the Ocarina Stand, TURKEY LEGS, walking off last week's calories, hanging with my mother, brother, and BESTIE,, shopping ish, and of COURSE the Tortuga Twins, last Saturday was spectacular.
>>Doesn't that look like oodles of fun? Featured in there is The Royal Court from the Joust, one of the three faeries, a renaissancy band, a dragon, gothic Link hot guy, miscellaneous animals, Renaissance fairgames hostesses, a rubber ducky, Catman's back, Dead Bob and Sludge from The Dead Bob Show, child labor, and RONN BAUMAN FROM THE TORTUGA TWINS!!!

>>Therefore, you may take a peek into that day, but never relive it like I unless you do it yourself. Go! Go, go, go! Oh, and get an Ocarina. If you're not up to purchase, then feast your eyes: the guy who sells them is fucking CUTE!